Oleh Eka Andrijan Novianto

* Dokter Hewan bagi saya sebuah harga mati. Apalagi ini jadi cita citaku sejak kecil. Sampai aku tiada, aku akan dikenang sebagai dokter hewan.

Tak kenal maka tak sayang. Saya akan membawa Anda mengenal lebih dekat Anjing Kintamani Bali. Anjing kebanggaan Bangsa Indonesia. Plasma Nutfah Indonesia.

Perjuangan dua tokoh penting dalam sejarah anjing Kintamani Bali, yakni drh. Puji Rahardjo dan Ibu dra. Wenny Ressang yang mengawali untuk melakukan survey intensif berupa pengamatan di desa Sukawana, Kintamani Bangli Bali mulai tahun 1981 tahun demi tahun. Sampai yang bersangkutan melakukan pemurnian ras, saat itu fokus warna putih. (detail pengamatan akan di sarikan oleh drh. Puji Rahardjo, melalui laporan tulisan kepada Saya)

Ada dua hal utama yang harus saya sampaikan kepada kalayak, sebagai bukti nyata secara ilmiah, anjing Kintamani keberadaan genetiknya dibuktikan dengan sebuah penelitian.

Melalui studi pengamatan lapangan dengan membandingkan antara Anjing Kintamani dari hasil kennel pemuliabiakan dan Anjing Kintamani di kawasan Kintamani, disusunlah Deskripsi dan Standar Fenotip Anjing Kintamani meliputi ciri-ciri umum, sifat-sifat umum, tinggi badan/gumba, dasar pigmentasi kulit, bentuk kepala, telinga, mata, hidung, gigi, bentuk leher, bentuk badan, kaki dan ekor mempunyai kesamaan. Perbedaannya pada distribusi warna bulu dan ditetapkan pada tanggal 16 Oktober 1994. Standar ini dipakai sebagai acuan dasar pada setiap Kontes dan Pameran Anjing Kintamani dan mendapat pengakuan PERKIN (Dharma.M.N. Dewa; PudjiRahardjo; Kertayadnya I.G, 1994.). Melalui penerbitan Journal of Heredity International di AGA (American Genetica Association) pada tahun 2005. Berjudul The Kintamani Dog: Genetic Profile of an Emerging Breed from Bali, Indonesia oleh I.K. Puja (dari Indonesia, Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Udayana ) , D.N. Irion, A. L. Schaffer, N.C. Pedersen. Dengan membandingkan allel (materi genetik) anjing kintamani dengan 31 allel gen jenis anjing lain (31 allel) antara lain anjing lokal Bali, anjing Dingo,anjing Chow-chow, anjing ras Europa. Ternyata anjing kintamani memiliki perbedaan.

Terbukti sudah anjing kintamani telah mengalami revolusi dan menjadi ras tersendiri.

Pekin (Persatuan Kinologi Indonesia) tetap menjadi wadah resmi para pecinta anjing kususnya anjing ras di Indonesia. Perkin menjadi organisasi perjuangan Anjing kintamani diakui secara International. Organisasi dunia diatas Perkin ialah FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) berkedudukan di Belgia.

Pada tahun 1988 Perkin sudah mulai menstambumkan (membuat silsilah) bagi Anjing anjing Kintamani berdasarkan S.K. Ketua Umum PERKIN No. 11/KU/PP/III/1988 pada saat itu. Pada saat itu difokuskan pada kinta yang berwarna putih.

HTAKB, Himpunan Trah Anjing Kintamani Bali, sebagai organisasi pelaksana anjing kintamani di perjuangkan berada dibawah Perkin . Himpunan ini didirikan tahun 2010 dan menjadi motor penggeraknya.

Bagaimana Anjing Kintamani Berbeda dengan ras lain ? Yuk, lihat gambar bawah

Dibawah ini masih disampaikan ciri-cirinya ( dalam bahasa Inggris )

Di tulisan selanjutkan saya akan bahas topik per topik dalam penjelasan bahasa Indonesia

TRANSLATION : HTAKB (Himpunan Trah Anjing Kintamani Bali / Kintamani Bali Dog Club). (EN).

ORIGIN : Republic of Indonesia.

Sukawana, a village in a district of Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali Province.

Republik Indonesia

Desa Sukawana Kecamatan kintamani Kabupaten Bangli Provinsi Bali

DATE OF PUBLICATION : 18.02.2006, revised on 12.05.2015

UTILIZATIONS : Companion dog.

Penjelasan tentang Companion ada tulisan saya yang lain. Companion diartikan pendamping. Secara umum anjing yang setia mendampingi dan menjaga pemilik dan lingkungannya.

CLASSIFICATION FCI : Group 5 Spitz and primitive type.

Section 5 Asian Spitz and related breeds.

Without working trial.

Definisi Anjing Spitz dan primitive ada ciri ciri kususnya, spitz istilah dalam bahasa jerman yang berarti kecil dan runcing, bertelinga kecil dan bermoncong lancip, hidup di bagian utara walau ada yang berasal dari asia secara performa dan karakter seperti srigala.


The Kintamani dog is a common household pet in Indonesia. This breed is native to the village of Sukawana in the district of Kintamani in Bali. The Kintamani Bali comes from the region of mountains, vulcanos, and forest. In 1985, the collaboration of Veterinary Medicine Study Program of Udayana University with the Kintamani Bali Dog Club of Bali (Pantrab) held its first dog show in Bali. After that, the Kintamani Bali Dog became very popular throughout Indonesia. Many dog lovers brought several dogs to Surabaya, Jakarta, Bandung and Solo. Kintamani Bali Dog is used for companion. The KINTAMANI BALI DOG took on the name of the region where it was originated.


Well balanced dog with a rectangular body, a wedge head, moderate stop, prickedears andasickletail with a double-coat, harsh outer coat of medium length on the body and shorter on its face


Length of body / Height at withers is 11 : 10.

Depth of chest is half height at withers.

Length of muzzle / Length of head is 2 : 5.

Length of head is quarter of body length.


Wacthful, intelligent, alert, gentle, loyal to the family and easy to train.

Waspada, cerdas, aktif, lembut, loyal dan mudah dilatih



Skull; The forehead is broad and wedge shaped. (kepala berbentuk irisan tumpul)

Stop; Moderate.


Nose; Board and well developed. On white to off-white coloured Kintamani Bali Dog, nose colour is black to brownish black. Grey colour is permitted. On black, fawn and brindle coloured Kintamani Bali Dog, nose colour is black. Nose colour may become lighter as age increasing.

Muzzle; Strong, wedge-shaped and tapering with u-shaped under-jaw.

Lips; Tight, fully cover-up the under-jaw and dark pigmented.

Jaws / Teeth; Scissor bite and complete dentition of 42 teeth; 20 teeth on upper jaw and 22 teeth on the lower jaw.

Cheeks; Relatively well developed.

Eyes; Almond-shaped; well set-in horizontally at the level of stop on the V-shape line forming from the two ear-tip to center of the nose. Eyes colour are black and brown, pigmented eye lids, other eye colours are considered as undesirable.

Ears; Fully erect and triangular in shaped, round-tip and facing front. Set slightly below the top of skull and far apart. Full erected ears is a must after 12 months of age. Biscuit colour at edge of the ears for white to off-white coloured Kintamani Bali Dog.


Well set into the body, strong, well developed muscular, without dewlap.


Topline; Level.

Withers; Well developed and smooth floating from the neck.

Back; Straight and strong.

Loin; Broad and muscular.

Chest; Well developed.

Brisket; Moderately sprung rib cage, and depth to elbow.

Belly; Well tacked up


Set in low, below on the center of croup and angulated out 45’ degrees from the top-line. With full feathered coat, ideal shape is curved upward moderately. Full curled but not drop below the top-line is allowed but undesirable.



General appearance: Shoulder and upper arm are equal in length, Height to elbow is half height at withers, and parallel when view from front.

Shoulder; Well-layback.

Upper Arm; Broad and strongly muscular.

Elbow; Tight.

Forearm; Straight and parallel.

Carpus (Wrist); Broad.

Meatacarpus (Pastern); Straight.

Forefeet; The toes are close set, compact, and round in shape.


General appearance: Well developed, strong and moderately angulated. Parallel when viewed from the rear.

Upper Thigh; Broad.

Stifle (Knee); Moderated angulated, never be too close to the paracentral part of the body.

Lower Thigh; Strong and muscular.

Hock; Medium length and perpendicular to the ground.

Metatarsus (Rear Pastern); Broad and flat as viewed from the side.

Hindfeet; The toes are close set, compact, and round in shape.


Thick, semi-circular, arched and tight.


Resilient and light.


Hair: Double-coat; soft under-coat is relatively short and harsh outer-coat is medium length along the sides of body. The neck and withers are surrounded with long harsh outer-coat. Full-feathered tail.

The longer-length outer coat around the neck is called “BADONG”, and forms a ruff around the neck. The longer coat at withers which extend around the back is called “BULU GUMBA”, “BADONG” and “BULU GUMBA” is more visible on the males rather than the females.


White : White to off-white with biscuit coloured ear-edge. White without biscuit coloured ear-edge is allowed but undesirable.

Black : Full black or black with a small to medium white marking at the centre of chest. Nose is black.

Fawn : Fawn comes in various shades from light fawn to red fawn. Black mask is a must. Nose is black. No white marking.

Brindle : Fawn background of varying shades has dark or black stripes running parallel to ribs. Black mask is a must. Nose is black. No White marking.

Fawn Kintamani Bali Dog is also known as BANG BUNGKEM, a BALINESS word meaning black masked dog.

Brindle Kintamani Bali Dog is also known as ANGGREK, referring the colour and pattern of Bali Orchid.


“BADONG” is a BALINESE word meaning longer coat at the back of ears and around neck.

“BULU GUMBA” is a BALINESE word meaning longer hair at withers and extended around the back.


Height at withers: Males : 49 – 57 cm Preferred at 53 cm

Females : 44 – 52 cm Preferred at 48 cm

Weight: Males : 15 – 18 kgs

Females : 13 – 16 kgs


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Feminine dogs, masculine bitches.

Any missing tooth (except PM1 and M3)

Eyes too light in colour.


Aggressive or overly shy dogs.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

Overshot or undershot.

Thin coat on tail and Curled-tail which drops below the top-line.

Ears not erect at 12 months and older.

Unpigmented eye lids.

Non authorized colours.

N.B. :

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, withbreed typical conformation should be used for breeding.

Bahan asli, SKEP (Surat Keputusan Perkin Pusat)

Breed Standard of Kintamani Bali Dog

Based on No. SKEP : 044/PP/V/2015Dated 12 Mei 2015

dan PDF standart Breed Anjing Kintamani Bali FCI (2019)

Anjing Kintamani bali jika dalam ring Dog show, masuk di dalam grup 5 sebagai anjing Spitz and primitive. Bersama anjing jenis Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Pomeranian, Chow-chow, Japanese Akita, American Akita, Samoyed, dan Basenji.


Salam Sehat

drh. Eka Andrijan Novianto

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